Students and staff are encouraged to join the fun in celebrating our Food Service Department tomorrow! Dig out your Hawaiian attire!
2 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Hawaiian Day Tomorrow!
Buddy Classroom Fairy Tales Stem Project! Mrs. Elzey and Mrs. Yonker’s class create Three Little Pig style houses with straw, wood, and bricks! 🐷🐷🐷
2 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Team project!
Team project!
Team project!
Team project!
Check out the flyer from NMS for more information about Band & Choir opportunities!!
2 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Band & Choir Info
Mrs. Hart has some bracket skills! Check out the March Book Bracket for fifth grade!!! πŸ“š
2 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Book Bracket!
Guest readers from Walmart came today to celebrate Dr. Suess! They shared some of their favorite books and donated some to our library!! πŸ“š
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Guest Readers!
Nice story from Fox55 highlighting Norwell's new Precision Machining class in coordination with our Area 18 Career and Technical Education Cooperative.
3 months ago, Mike Springer
Surf's Up Breakfast Week--March 4 - March 8 Check out our planned events and treats!
3 months ago, Norwell Community Schools
Surf's Up
ALL SCHOOLS WILL BE CLOSED - APRIL 8th Asynchronized eLearning Day - Bear Care and Bobcat Care will also be closed.
3 months ago, Administrative Office
What is volume?! If you aren't sure, ask these experts from Mrs. Hart's class! They should be able to tell you!
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Mrs. Hart’s Class!
Mrs. Hart’s Class!
Mrs. Hart’s Class!
Mrs. Hart’s Class!
Another teacher winner for a Dickey's Carwash membership! Thanks for supporting our teachers!!
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Community celebration πŸ’›πŸ€πŸ’™
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Students in grades 3-5 have started playing instruments in music!! 🎢
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Music 🎢
Music 🎢
Music 🎢
Let's show our support to the girls basketball team πŸ€ by wearing Norwell gear tomorrow! πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’™
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Norwell Nation Day!
Thank you, Donaghy, for teaching second grade Junior Achievement!!
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Junior Achievement!
The School Board approved Asynchronous eLearning on April 8 due to the Solar Eclipse. Asynchronous eLearning means teachers will upload assignments for students to complete on their own schedule throughout the day on April 8. There will be no live instruction taking place.Β  NWCS will determine whether Bobcat and Bear Care will be open on April 8 by determining need within our community. Due to eLearning being Asynchronous, which will require additional planning and potentially additional staff, Registration for this service will need to take place by March 1.Β  Please complete the Registration (linked below) and email us if you have any questions! Thanks!
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Registration Needed
Love seeing our LES and OES teachers engaged in a deep dive into the five IDOE-approved ELA curricular adoption options. Our elementary admin team has organized a very detailed review process, and our teachers are working diligently through the process. Great work!
3 months ago, Mike Springer
These guys have a little advantage in pulling off twin day!!
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Twin Day!
Family Night was a success! We had a winner get the jar of conversation hearts by guessing 190 - only off by six! ❀️❀️
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
 Family Night!
Family Night!
Family Night!
Family Night!
Some Lancaster and Ossian teachers diving into learning more about IDOE Approved ELA Curriculum today! If you are interested in learning more, check out the invite below!
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
ELA Curriculum Dive
ELA Curriculum Dive
ELA Curriculum Dive
Family Night has started!!
3 months ago, Lancaster Central Elementary
Family Night!
Family Night!